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The Most Dangerous Word In The English Language.

Mar 17, 2021

The most dangerous word in the English language is…..conclusion. If we were to allow ourselves to arrive and land on a conclusion about anything our emotional fitness is about to take a hit. The psychology of ‘conclusion’ potentially introduces rigidity in our thinking. Rigid thinking is a sign of immaturity.

Arriving at a conclusion closes us off to new possibilities. If I can really go out on a limb, arriving at a conclusion is a form of arrogance. Let me explain!! We experience our everyday lives via a spectrum of perception with sliding scales of awareness. Dear lord, what does that even mean?  Lets use water as an example. At one end of the temperature (perception) spectrum we have steam and at the opposite end of the temperature spectrum we have ice. In between that we have water in liquid form from freezing cold right through to boiling hot before it becomes steam.

If water had an ego, steam would come out and say with great certainty, ‘I am...

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Your Normal Is Someone Else’s Amazing.

Feb 24, 2021

Have you ever thought about how amazing someone else is at a particular skill, or ability? What seems completely normal to them is amazing to us.

Well same goes for you and I. There are aspects of us that are normal to us but amazing to someone else. For example, your fitness level, as good as it is, may be normal to you but amazing to someone else.

Someone else’s capacity to make lots of money is their normal and amazing to someone else. You get the drift.

Having an awareness of this, creates within us a reminder to be grateful for what we seem to be good at. Just the other day I was running with a friend of mine, what we would call a casual 10km run. We ran past another runner who seemed to be working really hard. I mean they were puffing pretty intensely. My running buddy commented saying, do you remember those days when that was us!

Instantly I realised and remembered how far we had come in our everyday fitness. In our world to say that on Sunday you are running 20km is like...

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What if we choose to invite uncertainty into our lives?

Feb 10, 2021

For most of us uncertainty is not necessarily something we consciously invite into our lives. Naturally, there are many of us who also thrive off having lots of uncertainty/adventures and challenges in their lives.

In this insights post I would love to explore with you the incredible benefits of inviting uncertainty into your life. This is not as scary as it may sound to some.

Inviting uncertainty into our lives means making commitments to certain experiences which make you nervous or expands your comfort zone or raises your energy at the thought of doing it. For example, just the other week I committed to racing a 5km fun run. This may not sound like much, but running full on as fast as you can to hold 5km is reasonably intense.

The morning of the race I felt nervous, and excited at the same time. I set a range of times like a scale of delight to disappointment. I felt that if I could run it in less than 21 minutes I would be delighted and anything slower than 22 minutes would...

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What I learnt from watching the beach!

Jan 27, 2021

I have long been an avid fan of observing nature and all its wondrous gifts and insight it provides on how to live a great life…if we allow it to.

Just recently on a wonderful summer break in a beautiful place called Venus Bay, I learnt a lot from the beach! In fact more accurately said I learnt this from my wife Silvana’s observation of the beach! She said that every night as the tide comes in it resets and cancels every footstep, holes dug and sand castles from the day.

Every day it resets!!! Everyday begins anew completely uninfluenced from the day before. The beach doesn’t have an ego that produces regretful thoughts. For example, it doesn’t say, “oh but these were special sand castles that only my sons could make!!” The beach doesn’t have an opinion, it just continues to be what it is.

It doesn’t hold onto to anything from the day before, no matter how ‘special’ or how ordinary.

Every day this beach was different. Some...

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2021 – The Gaining of Wisdom and Letting Go of Knowledge.

Dec 24, 2020

Firstly, what is the difference between wisdom and knowledge? Whilst dictionary definitions of these words overlap in many ways, the main difference between the two, is that wisdom is applied knowledge, whilst knowledge can be ‘known’, but not necessarily applied or experienced. Another way of looking at this is knowing about something vs knowing something from experience. Most of us at some point have been guilty of information gathering about something but not applying it. That is, knowledge without wisdom. Wisdom has knowledge within it, but unapplied knowledge has no wisdom.

When we apply knowledge, we gain wisdom. In essence wisdom is created and expanded by what we experience, and knowledge is something we know about, without experiencing it. Whilst reading about baking gives me knowledge, the wisdom can only come from being in the kitchen and failing forward with our successes and failures. Wisdom runs deep, knowledge unapplied does not. Wisdom connects to our...

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The mind reacts, the soul creates

Dec 08, 2020

The soul knows nothing about our past. It doesn’t define itself by our history. In fact, it doesn’t define itself by time at all. The soul expresses itself based on our desires, choices and the meaning we give our experiences. The soul creates. With awareness we can create ourselves anew every day, by choosing a different way to respond. To respond with a compassionate understanding rather than judgement. This compassionate understanding is especially important for ourselves. Our very own ego (mind) judges us all the time.

For example, have you ever beat yourself up over a mistake you made. I have. Most of us have. In these moments we can choose to judge ourselves (mind reacting) or we can compassionately understand that we were doing what we thought was right at the time or that was what we knew best at the time (soul creating).

We are creating how we experience of our experiences all the time, whether we know it or whether we don’t. The mind (ego) tends to react...

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Fear is The Domain of The Ego, Love Is The Domain of Our Soul.

Nov 24, 2020

What if everything that showed up in your life was designed and placed there by you for a purpose?

To reclaim, to remember who you really are…

Everything shows up in our lives so we can make a choice. A choice of who we want to be. A choice which moves us closer to love, or closer to fear. Fear is the domain of the ego. Love is the domain of our soul. If we choose to react, we become a slave to our emotions. We become dominated by our ego. Fear becomes king of our psychological domain. All anxiety and depression issues are extensions of fear. Our soul cannot be anxious or depressed. Love is the existential domain of our soul.

In every moment we can choose. Our lives are filled on a daily level of many micro moments. It was literally just the other day I witnessed a micro moment. I was standing on the corner of two streets and a big truck was turning a corner and had to stop in mid turn to give way to a pedestrian. The car behind the truck tooted in a very angry way to the...

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A Deeper Exploration of How We Create Meaning.

Nov 10, 2020

Every iota of experience is filled with the colours and flavours of our emotions. The quality of our lives is absolutely determined by the quality of our experiences. The quality of our experiences is amplified or minimised by our emotions. Our emotions are our lives. Fascinatingly, our emotions are not automated. Our emotions do not automatically respond to facts.

Our emotions respond to our interpretation of the facts.

The key word is ‘interpretation’. In other words, our emotions are manufactured by the meaning we give our thoughts, and our thoughts are merely what we think is happening in that experience. For example, you are walking down a busy local street and you see your friend across the road. You wave at them and they fail to wave back. What do you think just happened? What is our interpretation of what just happened? What is the meaning you assign to that. Right there is a pivotal moment. The meaning you give that moment is a psychological portal, a doorway...

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The Gift of Crisis

Sep 30, 2020

A crisis in life, whether that be in health, finances, relationship or career, can be likened to a psychological tremor through to a psychological earthquake. The strongest structures remain standing in an earthquake and the weakest structures fall and disappear for ever.

Our psychological earthquakes clarify what matters most in our lives and which relationships are the strongest and which are perhaps not what we thought. A real relationship can handle robust conversation about any topic.  A strong relationship can aggressively tackle any topic and not the person.  

Many have been experiencing psychological earthquakes, losing businesses, relationships and in some cases their lives. Life will sometimes produce tremors. Tremors are like warnings. Warnings of changes we may need to make. Tremors wake us up to our priorities, causing us to perhaps think differently about how we live. 

Crises of any kind, amplify who we were already heading into the crises. I have...

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